Plunkett’s Industry Almanacs in Printed and eBook Formats

In addition to our online subscriptions to Plunkett’s industry data, we offer printed and ebook editions of industry-specific almanacs, updated each year. The almanacs typically run 400 to 700 pages each, depending on the industry. These are excellent industry reference tools that summarize the vast amount of industry-specific data that is found in our online service.
Download our complete catalog and order form in PDF.

Advertising, Branding & Marketing

Aerospace, Aircraft, Satellites & Drones (UAV)

Airlines, Hotels & Travel

Apparel, Shoes, & Textiles

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning

Banking, Mortgages & Lending

Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals & Genetics

Chemicals, Coatings & Plastics

Computers, Hardware & Software

Consumer Products, Cosmetics, Hair & Personal Services

Cybersecurity, Digital ID & Online Fraud

Education, Education Technology & MOOCs

Engineering, Research & Development

Entertainment, Movie, Publishing & Broadcasting

FinTech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments

Food, Beverage and Grocery

Games, Apps & Social Media

Green Technology & Sustainability

Insurance & Risk Management

Internet of Things (IoT) & Data Analytics

Investment & Asset Management

Jobs: Major American Employers

Jobs: Mid-Size American Employers

Manufacturing, Automation & Robotics

Plunkett Corporate Benchmarks Reports

Real Estate & Construction

Restaurant, Hotel and Hospitality

Sharing & Gig Economy, Freelance Workers & On-Demand Delivery

Solar Power, Wind Power & Renewable Energy

Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics