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Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston, Texas-based market research firm, has completed its latest research on the Games, Apps & Social Media Industry.  (See:  This revised and updated data is part of our massive Plunkett Research Online subscription service, where we continuously monitor the world’s 40 most vital business sectors, including such industries as retailing, artificial intelligence, health care, sports/recreation and much, much more.  Our analysts and market research continually monitor the world’s leading industries and companies and post thorough updates yearly.

Key Findings:

A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms within the Games, Apps & Social Media Industry.  Gain vital insights that can help shape strategy for business development, product development and investments.

Key Features:

  • Business trends analysis
  • In-depth industry overview
  • Technology trends analysis
  • Forecasts
  • Spending, investment, and consumption discussions
  • In-depth industry statistics and metrics
  • Industry employment numbers

Additional Key Features Include:

Industry Glossary

Industry Contacts list, including Professional Societies and Industry Associations

Profiles of industry-leading companies

  • U.S. and Global Firms
  • Publicly held, Private and Subsidiaries
  • Executive Contacts
  • Revenues
  • For Public Companies: Detailed Financial Summaries
  • Statistical Tables

Key Questions Answered Include:

  • How is the industry evolving?
  • How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
  • How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
  • What is the size of the market now and in the future?
  • What are the financial results of the leading companies?
  • What are the names and titles of top executives?
  • What are the top companies and what are their revenues?

This feature-rich report covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the Games, Apps & Social Media Industry.

Plunkett Research Provides Unique Analysis of the Following Major Trends Affecting the Games, Apps & Social Media Industry

  1. Introduction to the Games, Apps and Social Media Industry
  2. Overview of the Electronic Games Industry
  3. Overview of the Mobile Apps Industry
  4. Overview of the Social Media Industry/TikTok Soars to 150+ Million U.S. Users, Faces Ownership Legislation
  5. Social Media Rakes in Global Online and Mobile Ad Revenues
  6. Streaming Apps Take Over TVs, Leading to Cord Cutting/Subscription Losses for Cable and Satellite
  7. Video Game Console History/New Technologies and Features Boost Console Sales
  8. Online (Cloud Gaming) & Mobile Games Compete with Consoles
  9. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality and 3-D Technologies Create Opportunities for the Tech Industry/Immersion Games to Grow
  10. The Metaverse Has Difficulties Gaining Steam
  11. Fantasy Sports Post Growth, with 63 Million Players
  12. eSports: Electronic Games Become Spectator Sports
  13. Virtual Worlds Provide Revenue for Games Publishers
  14. Global Mobile Apps Revenues Hit $171 Billion Yearly
  15. Embedded LTE Wi-Fi and Onboard Apps Incorporated by Auto Makers in New Car Infotainment Systems
  16. Gamification: Games Technology Boosts Education and Training
  17. Sports Equipment and Social Media Converge
  18. Digital Assistants Include Amazon’s Echo and Google’s Home/Alexa and Similar Software Power Third-Party Developers
  19. Regulatory Environment Is Challenging for Online Businesses & Social Media
  20. The Future of Games, Apps & Social Media

Plunkett Research Provides In-Depth Tables for the Following Games, Apps & Social Media Industry Statistics

  1. Games, Apps & Social Media Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  2. Internet Usage Demographics, U.S.: 2023
  3. Use of Different Online Platforms: 2023
  4. Social Media Usage Demographics, U.S.: 2023
  5. Home Broadband Adoption Demographics, U.S.: 2023
  6. Smartphone Adoption Demographics, U.S.:  2023
  7. Number of Business & Residential High Speed Internet Lines, U.S.: 2019-2024
  8. Software Publishing Industry, U.S.: Estimated Revenue & Inventories: 2017-2022
  9. Software Publishing Industry, U.S.: Estimated Selected Expenses: 2017-2022
  10. Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite): Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2019-2022
  11. Internet Publishing & Broadcasting & Web Search Portals: Estimated Revenue U.S.: 2017-2023
  12. Estimated U.S. Information & Entertainment Sector Revenues by NAICS Code: 2017 – 2022
  13. Internet Access Technologies Compared


The games, apps, and social media (GASM) sectors have undergone remarkable transformations over the past few years, driven by technological advancements, changes in consumer behavior, and innovative business models. As an investor, consultant, or marketing professional, understanding these trends is crucial for identifying opportunities and making informed decisions. This blog post will summarize the most significant trends shaping these industries, drawing insights from a comprehensive analysis of current market dynamics.

Businessman holds modern technology in hands stock photo, Credit iStock
Businessman holds modern technology in hands stock photo, Credit iStock

Even more information on this industry is available, check out our Games, Apps and Social Media Industry center!

Plunkett’s Games, Apps and Social Media Industry eBook, latest edition

  •  Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the GASM Industry

The GASM industry has experienced unprecedented growth, propelled by the widespread adoption of smartphones, enhanced internet connectivity, and the rapid evolution of digital platforms. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various services has further accelerated this growth. The lines between games, apps, and social media often blur, with users seamlessly transitioning between these platforms. This interconnected ecosystem presents unique opportunities for businesses to engage with consumers in innovative ways.

  • Electronic Games Industry Overview

The global video games industry is a behemoth, with revenues far surpassing those of traditional entertainment sectors like books and movies. In 2023, the market was estimated to be worth $184 billion, according to Newzoo. This growth is fueled by several factors:

  1. Console Evolution: The competition among console manufacturers, such as Sony’s PlayStation and Microsoft’s Xbox, continues to drive technological advancements. Features like enhanced graphics, VR capabilities, and subscription services have attracted a massive user base. However, there is a noticeable shift towards mobile and cloud gaming, reducing the dominance of traditional consoles.
  2. Mobile Gaming Boom: Mobile gaming has become a dominant force, with revenues reaching $89.9 billion in 2023. Companies like Supercell, Tencent, and Niantic have capitalized on this trend, creating highly popular games that cater to a diverse audience.
  3. Esports and Spectator Gaming: The rise of esports has transformed gaming into a spectator sport, with platforms like Twitch allowing millions to watch live gaming events. This trend has opened new revenue streams through advertising, sponsorships, and event ticket sales.
  4. Acquisitions and Mergers: Major acquisitions, such as Microsoft’s $75 billion purchase of Activision Blizzard, highlight the industry’s consolidation trend. These mergers aim to leverage synergies between game development and cloud services, enhancing competitive advantages.
  5. Mobile Apps Industry Overview

The mobile apps industry has seen explosive growth, with the Apple App Store alone generating $155.7 billion in sales in 2023. Several key trends define this sector:

  1. App Proliferation: The number of available apps has skyrocketed, with consumers relying on recommendations and reviews to navigate the crowded marketplace. Popular apps span various categories, including games, productivity tools, and entertainment.
  2. Freemium Model: Many apps are available for free, monetized through in-app purchases and advertising. This model allows developers to reach a broad audience while generating revenue from a small percentage of users.
  3. Cross-Platform Integration: Platforms like Microsoft’s Windows 11 have integrated mobile apps into their ecosystems, making the PC experience more app-driven. This trend blurs the lines between mobile and desktop usage, enhancing user convenience.
  4. App Store Policies: Changes in app store policies, such as Apple’s reduction of commission fees for small developers, impact the profitability and distribution strategies of app developers.
  5. Social Media Industry Overview

Social media platforms have become integral to daily life, with billions of active users worldwide. Key trends in this sector include:

  1. Monetization Strategies: Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have developed robust advertising models, leveraging user data to offer targeted advertising. TikTok has also ventured into e-commerce, directly competing with giants like Amazon.
  2. User Engagement and Content Creation: Social media platforms are enhancing user engagement through new features and content formats. TikTok’s short-form videos, for example, have set new standards for content consumption and virality.
  3. Regulatory Challenges: Privacy concerns and data security issues have prompted regulatory scrutiny. TikTok, in particular, faces legislative challenges due to its ownership and data practices. These regulatory environments significantly impact platform operations and user trust.
  4. Global Reach and Local Competitors: While global platforms like Facebook and TikTok dominate, local social media networks, especially in regions like China, cater to specific cultural and regulatory landscapes. Platforms like WeChat offer comprehensive services that integrate social media, messaging, and e-commerce.
  5. Emerging Technologies and Future Outlook

Several emerging technologies are poised to shape the future of the GASM industry:

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR and AR technologies are creating immersive gaming and social media experiences. These technologies have applications beyond entertainment, including education and training.
  2. The Metaverse: Despite facing initial challenges, the concept of the metaverse—a collective virtual shared space—holds significant potential. Companies are investing in developing metaverse platforms that integrate gaming, social media, and virtual commerce.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI continues to enhance user experiences through personalized content recommendations, chatbots, and advanced analytics. AI-driven insights enable businesses to better understand user behavior and optimize their offerings.
  4. 5G and Connectivity: The rollout of 5G networks enhances mobile gaming and app performance, providing faster and more reliable internet access. This connectivity revolution supports the growth of data-intensive applications and services.
  5. Investment and Marketing Implications

For investors, the GASM industry offers diverse opportunities across various segments. Key considerations include:

  1. Growth Potential: Identifying high-growth areas, such as mobile gaming and VR, can yield significant returns. Companies with innovative products and strong user engagement metrics are particularly attractive.
  2. Mergers and Acquisitions: Monitoring industry consolidation trends can reveal investment opportunities in companies positioned for acquisition or merger synergies.
  3. Regulatory Environment: Staying informed about regulatory changes is crucial for assessing risks and opportunities. Companies that proactively address privacy and data security concerns are better positioned for long-term success.
  4. User-Centric Marketing: For marketing professionals, leveraging data-driven insights to create targeted campaigns is essential. Understanding user preferences and behaviors enables the design of personalized and effective marketing strategies.


The games, apps, and social media industries are dynamic and interconnected, driven by technological advancements and evolving consumer behaviors. By staying attuned to these trends, investors, consultants, and marketing professionals can identify opportunities and navigate the complexities of these rapidly changing sectors. The future holds immense potential, with emerging technologies like VR, AI, and the metaverse poised to revolutionize how we interact with digital content. Embracing these innovations and adapting to new market realities will be key to thriving in the GASM landscape.

For investors, consultants and marketing professionals!

Key Concepts:  Electronic games, online games, multiplayer games, games, apps, mobile apps, social media, game machines, gaming, cellphone, location based, GPS, virtual reality, 3D, three-dimensional, augmented reality, software, hardware

Source: Plunkett Research, Ltd., Copyright © 2024


Aircraft maintenance mechanic with a flash light inspects plane engine in a hangar, Credit iStock
Aircraft maintenance mechanic with a flash light inspects plane engine in a hangar, Credit iStock

Even more information on this industry is available, check out our Aerospace, Aircraft, Satellites & Drones (UAV) Industry Market Research!

Aerospace, Aircraft, Satellites & Drones (UAV) Industry eBook , latest edition

  • Privatization and Market Growth

The World Economic Forum estimated the Space economy at $630 billion for 2023, and expected it to grow to $1.8 trillion by 2035.  Many massive changes are going on within the space industry and space technology sector.  The most important include:

  1. Small Sats—small satellites that can be launched dozens at one time by one rocket. They are relatively inexpensive to manufacture, lightweight and easy to launch, and they can have their software updated by ground stations.  These are the satellites that are powering global internet access systems like SpaceX’s Starlink.
  2. Low Earth Orbit satellites—satellites that orbit the Earth at much lower altitudes than earlier generations of satellites. This makes them ideal for internet service and satphone communications, as there is a shorter time lag for signals to and from the Earth.
  3. Reusable Rockets—Earlier generations of rockets were use-once only.  Today’s innovative rockets, pioneered by SpaceX, can be reused multiple times—saving massive amounts of time and money and dramatically lowering the cost to launch a satellite or space vehicle.
  4. Private Rocket Launch Services—launch services provided by private firms such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX.  Historically, space launches were strictly the provenance of government agencies.  Today, private industries are providing these services with advanced rockets at much lower cost. In addition to SpaceX, such firms already providing services, or planning to, include Boeing, Blue Origin, Northrup Grumman Innovation Systems and Sierra Space.
  • Private (non-government) Space Industry Innovation, Research and Development (R&D)

New technologies and services will continue to broadly shape the space industry of the future.  The major shift in space technologies is that they have rapidly become dominated by private industry—shifting away from government-managed research efforts, government laboratories, government management of space projects and launches, and government micro-management of space related contracts and the rules and obligations spelled out in those contracts.  Much, if not most, of the funding is coming from private investors, including venture capital firms.

The space industry of the future is shaping up as one led by private companies, and many of those private companies have U.S. roots, whether they are rocket manufacturers, launch services or satellite communications services providers.  This is a huge change, as space activities in the past all originated through, and were almost entirely funded by, government agencies such NASA.

SpaceX’s reusable rockets are a massive game-changer, dramatically reducing the cost of making a space launch.  SpaceX has not only been able to become a reliable, low cost provider of launch services, it has also successfully manufactured rockets capable of carrying larger and larger payloads.  At Plunkett Research, we expect the future of space commercialization to be dominated by SpaceX and a few other private firms.  Meanwhile, SpaceX has already garnered a majority market share of space launches.

Another example of just how big this privatization trend is:  A Houston, Texas-based firm, Intuitive Machines, recently landed the first American vehicle on the moon in over 50 years.

  • Russia Loses Rocket Manufacturing and Launch Business Contracts

The U.S. and EU for many years relied on Russia for the manufacture of certain powerful rocket engines and/or for rocket launch services.  The war in Ukraine and geopolitical tensions in general have encouraged Western nations to rapidly develop replacement resources outside of Russia.  This has been a rapid, massive boost to SpaceX.  Major, developed nations such as the U.S. will no longer be willing to rely on non-allied nations for space industry services.

  • Increased Militarization and Politization of Space

Space will increasingly be a hotbed of political tensions and militarization.  China has set up a “Rocket Force” as a special branch of its armed forces.  This does not bode well for global relations, and it will force the U.S. to focus on and invest in better space-based defense capabilities.  Russia is said to have developed a rocket-based weapon that uses a nuclear blast to wipe out large numbers of satellites in one launch, potentially devastating a rival’s satellite communications and Earth-observation capabilities in seconds.

India is increasingly active in space as well, while North Korea continues to increase the size and scope of its rocket-based weapons.  There is extreme risk that hostile or competing military orbiting bases or moon-based facilities could be developed.  Israel has very successfully demonstrated that anti-missile systems, such as its Iron Dome, can provide high levels of protection against incoming missiles.  Watch for an acceleration of investment and development of such systems by major nations worldwide.

  • Manufacturing in Space (including Pharmaceuticals)

Innovative, privately launched orbiting labs, lunar landers and satellites create can be put to good use by specialty manufacturers.  The weightless aspect (and/or extremely low temperatures and near-perfect vacuum) of space creates unique opportunities to conduct advanced manufacturing in this environment, sometimes more effectively than on gravity-bound earth, and sometimes in ways that cannot be accomplished at all on Earth.  For Example, Varda Space, well funded by venture capital firms, seeks to manufacture complex, specialty pharmaceuticals in space.  UK-based Space Forge is a company that is exploring space manufacturing potential. 

  • Mining in Space

Asteroids and moons often contain vast quantities of rare and/or precious ores.  Researchers at the highly respected Colorado School of Mines are keen on this possibility.  Mining in space could potentially reduce environmental impacts on Earth, while providing rare metals for solar panels and electric vehicles.  NASA has identified 12,000+ asteroids that are relatively close to the Earth.  (In addition to mining, some firms are interested in the potential to tap extremely powerful solar rays in outer space in order to generate electricity on Earth.)  Thanks to the availability of venture capital, intense demand for rare metals, and advances in the private space launch and space vehicle sector, mining in space could easily become a significant reality over the long term.  Firms investing in this sector include Karman+, TransAstra, AstroFOrrge, Origin Space and Asteroid Mining Corporation. Watch for continued funding of research and development in this sector.  At the same time, watch for consolidation of the industry around a few, very well funded companies.

  • Space Tourism

Initial success in space tourism services will likely spawn further interest among affluent consumers and lead to advanced, private space flight vehicles and itineraries over the long term.  While personal space flights are extremely expensive, a large number of consumers are clearly willing to pay the fees and take the risks.  Leading companies operating or making plans in this sector include Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin and Boeing.

Source: Plunkett Research, Ltd.,

Copyright © 2024, All Rights Reserved

Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston, Texas-based market research firm, has completed its latest research on the FinTech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry.  (See:  This revised and updated data is part of our massive Plunkett Research Online subscription service, where we continuously monitor the world’s 40 most vital business sectors, including such industries as retailing, artificial intelligence, health care, sports/recreation and much, much more.  Our analysts and market research continually monitor the world’s leading industries and companies and post thorough updates yearly.

Key Findings:

A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms within the FinTech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry.  Gain vital insights that can help shape strategy for business development, product development and investments.

Key Features:

  • Business trends analysis
  • In-depth industry overview
  • Technology trends analysis
  • Forecasts
  • Spending, investment, and consumption discussions
  • In-depth industry statistics and metrics
  • Industry employment numbers

Additional Key Features Include:

Industry Glossary

Industry Contacts list, including Professional Societies and Industry Associations

Profiles of industry-leading companies

  • U.S. and Global Firms
  • Publicly held, Private and Subsidiaries
  • Executive Contacts
  • Revenues
  • For Public Companies: Detailed Financial Summaries
  • Statistical Tables

Key Questions Answered Include:

  • How is the industry evolving?
  • How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
  • How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
  • What is the size of the market now and in the future?
  • What are the financial results of the leading companies?
  • What are the names and titles of top executives?
  • What are the top companies and what are their revenues?

This feature-rich report covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the FinTech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry.

Plunkett Research Provides Unique Analysis of the Following Major Trends Affecting the Fintech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry

  1. Introduction to the FinTech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry
  2. Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Explained
  3. The Difference Between Cryptocurrencies and Stable Coins/National Treasuries Consider Issuing Stable Digital Currencies
  4. Regulation of Cryptocurrencies Increases
  5. BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) Payment Options Have Strong Market Share
  6. Digital Wallets Gain Payments Market Share
  7. The SuperApp Begins to Develop in FinTech
  8. Real Time Payments (RTP)/Instant Payments/FedNow to Grow
  9. Neobanks/Virtual Banks Explained/Top Competitors
  10. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the State of the Industry Today
  11. Voice, Face & Image Recognition Change the Wireless World, Enhanced Through Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  12. Insurance Underwriting Uses Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Policy Holders Allow Their Habits to Be Tracked for Lower Insurance Rates
  13. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Is Replacing Human Workers
  14. Digital Assistants Include Amazon’s Echo and Google’s Home/Alexa and Similar Software Power Third-Party Developers
  15. Growth in Big Data Supported by Expansion of Cloud Computing and Predictive Analytics
  16. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powers Hedge Fund Investment Strategies
  17. Banks and Apps Vie for Previously Underserved Markets, Including Hispanics
  18. China Sees Growth in Online Payments, Banking and Lending/Alipay Soars
  19. Smartphones and Neobanks Replace Bank Branches and Tellers
  20. Smartphones and Financial Technology (FinTech) Enable New Mobile Payment Methods
  21. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Payment Systems, such as Zelle and Venmo, Soar in Popularity
  22. In Emerging Nations, mChek and M-PESA Enable Remote Banking via Smartphone
  23. Online Competition Changes the Mortgage Industry
  24. Open Banking May Revolutionize the World of Banking and Finance
  25. Financial Technology (FinTech) Enables Online Lending, Insurance and Robo Advisors
  26. The Future of Banking, Credit Cards, Mobile Payments and Mortgages

Plunkett Research Provides In-Depth Tables for the Following Fintech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry Statistics

  1. FinTech, Cryptocurrency & Electronic Payments Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  2. Artificial Intelligence Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  3. Investment & Securities Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  4. U.S. Banking, Mortgages & Credit Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  5. Global Credit Card Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  6. FDIC Insured Institution Statistics: 4th Quarter 2023
  7. Employment in the Banking Industry, U.S.: 2018-2024


The financial landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by rapid advancements in technology. As an investor, consultant, or marketing professional, understanding the latest trends in FinTech, cryptocurrency, and electronic payments is crucial. This post delves into the most significant developments and their implications for stakeholders in these dynamic sectors.

Photo businessman working with generic design notebook. Online payments, banking, Credit iStock
Photo businessman working with generic design notebook. Online payments, banking, Credit iStock

Even more information on this industry is available, check out our FinTech, Cryptocurrency and Electronic Payments Industry!

Plunkett’s Consulting Industry eBook , latest edition

1. The Rise of FinTech

The FinTech sector has emerged as a dominant force in the financial services industry, challenging traditional financial giants and creating opportunities for innovative startups. This sector encompasses a wide range of services, including banking, lending, investment, insurance, and wealth management. The infusion of venture capital has accelerated the growth of FinTech, making it a critical area for investment and strategic development.

Key Drivers:

  • Smartphone Proliferation: The widespread adoption of smartphones, coupled with cloud computing, has revolutionized access to financial services. This trend is particularly impactful in emerging markets where traditional banking infrastructure is limited.
  • Innovative Solutions: Companies like Square, Paypal, and Nubank are transforming how consumers and businesses conduct transactions. Square’s portable card reader, for example, enables small businesses to accept payments anywhere, while Paypal’s global payment system facilitates seamless online transactions.

2. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Cryptocurrencies, led by Bitcoin, have garnered significant attention for their potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. The global cryptocurrency market was valued at $2.37 trillion as of June 2024, though it remains highly volatile.

Cryptocurrency Trends:

  • Volatility and Risk: The value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate dramatically, posing substantial risks for investors. High-profile collapses like FTX and BlockFi highlight the sector’s instability and the need for careful risk management.
  • Regulation: Governments worldwide are increasing regulatory scrutiny to combat fraud and protect investors. In the U.S., the SEC has approved cryptocurrency ETFs, offering new investment avenues while emphasizing the need for robust risk disclosures.

Blockchain Technology:

  • Decentralization: Blockchain enables secure, decentralized transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries. This technology underpins cryptocurrencies and has potential applications in various industries beyond finance.
  • Security Concerns: Despite its promise, blockchain is not immune to security breaches. High-profile hacks and thefts underscore the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in protecting digital assets.

3. Electronic Payments Evolution

The electronic payments landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by consumer demand for convenience and efficiency. Key developments include the rise of digital wallets, real-time payments, and innovative payment models like Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL).

Digital Wallets:

  • Market Growth: Digital wallets are gaining significant market share as consumers increasingly prefer mobile payment solutions. Companies like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Alipay are leading the charge, offering secure, convenient payment options.

Real-Time Payments:

  • Instant Transactions: Real-time payment systems, including FedNow in the U.S., are set to transform the payments landscape by enabling instant fund transfers. This development enhances liquidity and reduces settlement risks for businesses and consumers alike.

BNPL Services:

  • Consumer Adoption: BNPL options are becoming mainstream, allowing consumers to make purchases and pay in installments without traditional credit checks. Companies like Affirm and Klarna have partnered with retailers to offer these services, driving consumer spending and enhancing customer loyalty.

4. The SuperApp Phenomenon

The concept of the SuperApp is gaining traction in FinTech, with companies aiming to provide a comprehensive suite of services within a single app. This trend is particularly notable in Asia, where apps like WeChat and Alipay integrate messaging, payments, and a wide range of financial services.

Opportunities and Challenges:

  • Integration: For investors and consultants, the SuperApp model presents opportunities for cross-selling and enhancing customer engagement. However, developing and maintaining such comprehensive platforms requires significant investment and technological expertise.
  • Regulatory Hurdles: SuperApps must navigate complex regulatory environments, especially when expanding into new markets. Compliance with local financial regulations is crucial to avoid legal pitfalls.

5. Artificial Intelligence in FinTech

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various aspects of the FinTech industry, from customer service to investment strategies. AI-powered tools enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and provide personalized financial advice.

AI Applications:

  • Customer Service: AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants, such as those powered by Amazon’s Alexa, improve customer service by providing instant, accurate responses to inquiries.
  • Investment Strategies: Hedge funds and investment firms are increasingly leveraging AI to develop sophisticated trading algorithms and predictive analytics, optimizing investment returns.

6. The Global Impact

FinTech innovations are not limited to developed markets; they are also transforming financial services in emerging economies. Mobile banking solutions like M-PESA in Kenya and mChek in India provide critical financial services to previously underserved populations.

Case Study:

  • Southeast Asia: A study by Bain, Google, and Temasek found that a significant portion of Southeast Asia’s population is underbanked or unbanked. FinTech solutions are addressing these gaps, driving financial inclusion and economic growth.

7. Future Outlook

The future of FinTech, cryptocurrency, and electronic payments is bright, with continued innovation and investment expected. However, stakeholders must remain vigilant to the risks and challenges associated with these rapidly evolving sectors.

Investment Strategies:

  • Diversification: Investors should diversify their portfolios to mitigate risks associated with volatile markets like cryptocurrencies.
  • Regulatory Awareness: Staying informed about regulatory changes is crucial for navigating the complex landscape of digital finance.

Consulting and Marketing Insights:

  • Customer-Centric Solutions: Developing user-friendly, secure financial products that address consumer needs will be key to gaining market share.
  • Data-Driven Marketing: Leveraging big data and predictive analytics can enhance marketing strategies, enabling targeted campaigns and personalized customer experiences.

For investors, consultants, and marketing professionals!

The FinTech, cryptocurrency, and electronic payments industries are at the forefront of financial innovation. By understanding and leveraging these trends, investors, consultants, and marketing professionals can capitalize on the opportunities presented by this dynamic landscape. As the sector continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will be key to success.

Key Concepts: FinTech, cryptocurrency, electronic payments, Bitcoin, ACH, investments, Neobanks, digital wallets

Source: Plunkett Research, Ltd., Copyright © 2024


The consulting industry is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by technological advancements, changing client expectations, and evolving global markets. As an investor, consultant, or marketing professional, understanding these trends is crucial for capitalizing on emerging opportunities and staying ahead in a competitive landscape. This blog post delves into the most significant trends affecting the consulting industry, drawing insights from recent research and industry reports.

Back view image of young businessman standing against business sketch, Credit iStock
Back view image of young businessman standing against business sketch, Credit iStock

Even more information on this industry is available, check out our Consulting Industry Market Research!

Plunkett’s Consulting Industry eBook , latest edition

1. Technological Advancements and Digital Transformation

The consulting industry is at the forefront of technological innovation. Key areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), automation, data analytics, and cybersecurity are revolutionizing how consulting firms operate and deliver value to clients. For instance, generative AI is enhancing consultants’ ability to conduct research, create presentations, and complete projects more efficiently, ultimately boosting profitability.

  • AI and Automation: AI-driven solutions are enabling consultants to provide more accurate and actionable insights. Automation is streamlining routine tasks, allowing consultants to focus on strategic and high-value activities.
  • Data Analytics: The demand for data analytics consulting is soaring as businesses seek to leverage big data for informed decision-making. Consultants specializing in predictive analytics, data mining, and data visualization are in high demand.
  • Cybersecurity: With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, cybersecurity consulting has become critical. Firms offering expertise in protecting digital assets and ensuring data privacy are seeing significant growth.

2. The Rise of IT and Software Consulting

Information technology (IT) consulting continues to be a major growth driver. The sector encompasses a wide range of services, including e-commerce, telecommunications, cloud computing, and mobile app development. The shift towards cloud-based solutions and the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating new opportunities for IT consultants.

  • Cloud Computing: Cloud-based infrastructure and applications are becoming standard, necessitating consultants who can guide businesses through the transition and optimize cloud environments.
  • IoT: The proliferation of connected devices is driving demand for IoT consulting, particularly in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.

3. The Growing Importance of Management Consulting

Management consulting remains a vital part of the industry, focusing on helping organizations improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Key areas include strategy development, organizational restructuring, and mergers and acquisitions.

  • Strategy and Restructuring: Top consulting firms like McKinsey & Company and Bain & Company are known for advising Fortune 1000 companies on high-level strategy and organizational changes.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: As companies look to expand and consolidate, consultants play a crucial role in identifying targets, conducting due diligence, and integrating acquired entities.

4. Expansion into Emerging Markets and Offshoring

The consulting industry is increasingly global, with significant growth opportunities in emerging markets. Countries like India, Brazil, and China are becoming important hubs for consulting services.

  • Emerging Markets: Economic growth in emerging nations is driving demand for consulting in areas like cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and foreign trade facilitation.
  • Offshoring: Offshoring consulting projects to countries with lower labor costs remains a common practice. However, the focus is now shifting towards leveraging local expertise in these markets.

5. Evolution of Consulting Business Models

Consulting firms are adopting innovative business models to meet changing client demands and enhance profitability. Key trends include contingency-based pricing, the integration of digital advertising services, and the rise of internal consulting units.

  • Contingency-Based Pricing: Many consulting firms are now accepting assignments with contingency fees, aligning their compensation with the achievement of specific client goals.
  • Integration with Digital Advertising: Consulting firms are acquiring digital advertising agencies to offer comprehensive marketing services, blending traditional consulting with digital strategy and execution.
  • Internal Consulting Units: Some corporations are developing internal consulting teams that not only serve their own needs but also offer services to external clients, adding a new revenue stream.

6. Focus on Healthcare and Government Consulting

Healthcare and government sectors present substantial opportunities for consulting firms, driven by regulatory changes, technological advancements, and the need for improved efficiency.

  • Healthcare Consulting: The ongoing changes in healthcare ownership and the push for cost controls are creating demand for consultants who can help providers achieve greater efficiencies and better patient outcomes.
  • Government Contracts: Consulting to governments, especially in IT, defense, and facilities, remains a lucrative segment. Federal contracts, particularly in the U.S., offer significant revenue potential for firms with the expertise to navigate complex bidding processes.

7. Adoption of Generative AI and RPA

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and generative AI are reshaping the consulting landscape by automating routine tasks and enhancing consultants’ capabilities.

  • RPA: By automating repetitive processes, RPA allows consultants to focus on strategic initiatives, improving productivity and reducing costs for clients.
  • Generative AI: Tools like ChatGPT are enabling consultants to generate high-quality content, conduct in-depth analysis, and deliver more impactful presentations.

8. Increasing Competition and Client Expectations

The consulting industry is becoming more competitive, with clients demanding tangible returns on investment and more flexible engagement models.

  • Return on Investment (ROI): Clients are increasingly focused on the ROI of consulting engagements, pushing firms to deliver measurable results and justify their fees.
  • Flexible Engagement Models: Firms are adopting flexible pricing and delivery models, including remote consulting and virtual collaboration, to meet client needs and reduce costs.

For investors, consultants and marketing professionals!

The consulting industry is poised for continued growth and transformation, driven by technological advancements, evolving client expectations, and expanding global markets. For investors, consultants, and marketing professionals, staying abreast of these trends is essential for capitalizing on new opportunities and maintaining a competitive edge. Whether it’s leveraging AI and data analytics, expanding into emerging markets, or adopting innovative business models, the future of consulting promises to be dynamic and full of potential.

Key Concepts:  Consulting, management, human resources, manufacturing, services, operations, finance, economics, business, globalization, corporations, computers, information technology, research, innovation

Source:  Plunkett Research, Ltd., Copyright © 2024

Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston, Texas-based market research firm, has completed its latest research on the Consulting Industry.  (See:  This revised and updated data is part of our massive Plunkett Research Online subscription service, where we continuously monitor the world’s 40 most vital business sectors, including such industries as retailing, artificial intelligence, health care, sports/recreation and much, much more.  Our analysts and market research continually monitor the world’s leading industries and companies and post thorough updates yearly.

Key Findings:

A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms within the Consulting Industry.  Gain vital insights that can help shape strategy for business development, product development and investments.

Key Features:

  • Business trends analysis
  • In-depth industry overview
  • Technology trends analysis
  • Forecasts
  • Spending, investment, and consumption discussions
  • In-depth industry statistics and metrics
  • Industry employment numbers

Additional Key Features Include:

Industry Glossary

Industry Contacts list, including Professional Societies and Industry Associations

Profiles of industry-leading companies

  • U.S. and Global Firms
  • Publicly held, Private and Subsidiaries
  • Executive Contacts
  • Revenues
  • For Public Companies: Detailed Financial Summaries
  • Statistical Tables

Key Questions Answered Include:

  • How is the industry evolving?
  • How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
  • How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
  • What is the size of the market now and in the future?
  • What are the financial results of the leading companies?
  • What are the names and titles of top executives?
  • What are the top companies and what are their revenues?

This feature-rich report covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the Consulting Industry.

Plunkett Research Provides Unique Analysis of the Following Major Trends Affecting the Consulting Industry

  1. Introduction to the Consulting Industry
  2. Consulting in Emerging Nations/The Offshoring of Consulting Projects
  3. Management Consulting and Consulting to Major Corporations
  4. Consulting to Governments/U.S. Federal and State Consulting Contracts
  5. Federal Government Consulting Contracts Are Massive in IT, Defense & Facilities
  6. IT Consulting/Software Consulting/Computer Operations Consulting
  7. Trends in Manufacturing, such as Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs), Lead to Collaboration and Consulting-Like Services
  8. Consulting Firms Accept Assignments with Contingency Fees
  9. Consulting Firms Acquire Digital Advertising Agencies, Extending Their Marketing Services
  10. Accounting Firms Taking Large Market Share of Consulting Contracts
  11. Many Industry Sectors Seek Consulting and Outsourcing Income, Competing with Pure Consultancies
  12. Major Corporations and Organizations Develop Internal Consultants and Seek Outside Clients
  13. Corporate Clients Want Solid Returns on IT Investments
  14. Consultancies Position Themselves to Serve Global Markets and Multinational Corporations
  15. Offshoring to India Drives Changes in Global Consulting
  16. BPO and KPO: White-Collar and Professional Tasks such as Law and Accounting Are Offshored/Call Centers Become More Sophisticated
  17. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Is Replacing Human Workers
  18. Consulting and Accounting Firms Rapidly Adopt Generative AI
  19. New MBAs Desire Consulting and Accounting Jobs

Plunkett Research Provides In-Depth Tables for the Following Consulting Industry Statistics

  1. Consulting Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  2. Consulting Industry Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022
  3. Management Consulting Companies: Estimated Sources of Revenue, U.S.:2018-2022
  4. Consulting Industry Employment, U.S.: 2018-February 2024

Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston, Texas-based market research firm, has completed its latest research on the Engineering & Research Industry.  (See:  This revised and updated data is part of our massive Plunkett Research Online subscription service, where we continuously monitor the world’s 40 most vital business sectors, including such industries as retailing, artificial intelligence, health care, sports/recreation and much, much more.  Our analysts and market research continually monitor the world’s leading industries and companies and post thorough updates yearly.

Key Findings:

A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms within the Engineering & Research Industry.  Gain vital insights that can help shape strategy for business development, product development and investments.

Key Features:

  • Business trends analysis
  • In-depth industry overview
  • Technology trends analysis
  • Forecasts
  • Spending, investment, and consumption discussions
  • In-depth industry statistics and metrics
  • Industry employment numbers

Additional Key Features Include:

Industry Glossary

Industry Contacts list, including Professional Societies and Industry Associations

Profiles of industry-leading companies

  • U.S. and Global Firms
  • Publicly held, Private and Subsidiaries
  • Executive Contacts
  • Revenues
  • For Public Companies: Detailed Financial Summaries
  • Statistical Tables

Key Questions Answered Include:

  • How is the industry evolving?
  • How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
  • How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
  • What is the size of the market now and in the future?
  • What are the financial results of the leading companies?
  • What are the names and titles of top executives?
  • What are the top companies and what are their revenues?

This feature-rich report covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the Engineering & Research Industry.

Plunkett Research Provides Unique Analysis of the Following Major Trends Affecting the Engineering & Research Industry

  1. Introduction to the Engineering & Research Industry
  2. A Short History of U.S. Industrial Research & Development
  3. R&D Expands in Chinese Research Parks/Patent Filings Soar
  4. Outsourcing and Offshoring of Research, Development and Engineering Grow Along With Globalization
  5. Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) Adds Value to Contract Electronics Manufacturing
  6. The State of the Biotechnology Industry Today
  7. Nations Compete Fiercely in Biotech Development
  8. Globalization and Worldwide Collaboration Fuel the Research Efforts of Major Corporations
  9. Number of Patent Applications Remains High/Patent Laws Change
  10. 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing), Rapid Prototyping and Computer Aided Design
  11. Industrial Robots and Factory Automation Advance Through Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  12. Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Power Research Continues/Fuel Cell Cars Enter Market
  13. Electric Cars (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrids (PHEVs) to See Massive New Investments by Auto Makers
  14. Major Technology Research in Batteries/Massive Investments in Battery Factories and Power Storage
  15. The Future: Pervasive Computing and Complete Mobility Will Be Standard/ Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Boost Nearly All Sectors
  16. Supercomputing Hits 1,194 Petaflops/IBM’s Watson Expands Commercial Applications for Big Data
  17. Superconductivity Provides Advanced Electricity Distribution Technology
  18. Private, Reusable Rockets Launch Commercial Satellites and Serve Both the U.S. Military & NASA
  19. Technology Discussion—Synthetic Biology
  20. The Future of Transportation and Supply Chains: Massive Investments in Infrastructure & Mobility Services
  21. HPTP Thermoplastics, Thermoset and Engineered Plastics Enable Advanced Products/Nanocomposites Offer the Ultimate in Advanced Materials
  22. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning and Machine Learning Advance into Commercial Applications, Including Health Care and Robotics

Plunkett Research Provides In-Depth Tables for the Following Engineering & Research Industry Statistics

  1. Engineering & Research Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  2. Quarterly Engineering & Research Industry Revenues, U.S.: 2023
  3. Engineering & Scientific Research & Development Services: Estimated Sources of Revenue, U.S.: 2018-2022
  4. Federal R&D Funding by Character of Work and Facilities and Equipment, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2023-2025
  5. Federal R&D Budget & Distribution by Agency, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2023-2025
  6. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for National Defense, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  7. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Health and Human Services, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  8. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Space Flight, Research & Supporting Activities, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  9. NASA Budget Appropriations & Projections: 2022-2028
  10. Federal R&D & R&D Funding for Basic Research, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  11. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Agriculture, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2021-2023
  12. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Transportation, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  13. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Energy, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  14. U.S. Department of Energy Funding for Science & Energy Programs: 2023-2025
  15. U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Budget: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  16. NSF Budget by Appropriation (Dollars in Millions), Fiscal Years 2023-2025
  17. Research Funding for Biological Sciences, U.S. National Science Foundation: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  18. Research Funding for Engineering, U.S. National Science Foundation: Fiscal Years 2022-2024
  19. Top 30 U.S. Patent Recipient Organizations: 2023
  20. The U.S. Drug Discovery & Approval Process
  21. Employment in Engineering Occupations by Business Type, U.S.: 2020 – 2024
  22. Employment in Life & Physical Science Occupations by Business Type, U.S.: May 2023


The engineering and research industry is undergoing significant transformations driven by technological advancements, globalization, and evolving market demands. As an investor, consultant or marketing professional, understanding these trends is crucial for making informed decisions and identifying lucrative opportunities. This blog post will summarize the most important trends shaping the engineering and research sector, highlighting areas with the potential for high returns on investment.

Group of multi-ethnic young business people meeting., Credit iStock.
Group of multi-ethnic young business people meeting., Credit iStock.

Even more information on this industry is available, check out our Engineering & Research Industry center!

Plunkett’s Engineering, Research & Development Industry eBook, latest edition

1. Globalization and Collaboration

Globalization has significantly impacted the engineering and research industry, fostering increased collaboration between companies and universities across the world. This trend is evident in the rising number of patent applications, with nearly half of all patents granted in the U.S. listing at least one non-U.S. citizen as a co-inventor. Major research universities, both in the U.S. and abroad, are reaping substantial royalties from their patented inventions, emphasizing the commercial potential of academic research.

Global research spending was estimated at $2.57 trillion in 2023, with the U.S. leading in total investment. However, countries like China, Korea, and Israel are also making significant strides, investing heavily in research and development (R&D) to boost their competitive edge. For instance, China’s National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology aims to enhance domestic innovation and reduce reliance on foreign technologies.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

AI and automation are revolutionizing engineering and R&D processes. AI’s ability to accelerate design, testing, and production is transforming industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to manufacturing. For example, AI is being used to identify and test new drug compounds, potentially reducing the time and cost associated with drug development. In manufacturing, AI-driven automation tools such as computer-aided design (CAD) and finite element analysis (FEA) are making R&D faster and more efficient.

The rise of industrial robots and factory automation, driven by AI, is another significant trend. The International Federation of Robotics estimated that the global base of operational industrial robots would grow from 3 million in 2020 to 4 million by 2022. Countries like China are heavily investing in robotics to address workforce challenges and enhance manufacturing precision and quality.

3. Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology

The biotechnology industry is experiencing rapid growth, driven by advancements in genetic engineering, drug development, and agricultural biotechnology. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of biotech research, leading to unprecedented investments in vaccine and therapeutic development. The global pharmaceuticals market, estimated at $1.7 trillion in 2023, is expected to grow further as new biotech drugs enter the market.

One of the most exciting developments in biotech is synthetic biology, which combines biology with engineering to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems. This field has the potential to revolutionize industries such as agriculture, energy, and medicine. For example, scientists are exploring ways to produce biofuels from algae, creating a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

4. Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous technology. Major automakers are investing billions in EV development and production, driven by increasing consumer demand and government incentives. Sales of electric vehicles in the U.S. rose from 490,456 vehicles in 2021 to 807,180 in 2022, accounting for 5.8% of total auto sales.

Despite the promising growth, the EV market faces challenges, including the high cost of batteries, limited charging infrastructure, and reliance on raw materials from specific regions. However, advancements in battery technology and the development of extensive charging networks are expected to address these issues over time.

5. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is revolutionizing the production of prototypes and end-use products. This technology allows for the creation of complex, customized components with high precision and efficiency. Industries such as aerospace, automotive, and healthcare are adopting 3D printing for various applications, from manufacturing lightweight aircraft parts to producing custom medical implants.

The future of 3D printing looks promising, with ongoing advancements in materials and printing speeds. For example, Carbon Inc.’s Digital Light Synthesis technology significantly reduces production time compared to traditional methods, making it suitable for low-volume production and rapid prototyping.

6. Sustainable Energy Solutions

The push for sustainable energy solutions is driving significant research in fuel cells, hydrogen power, and renewable energy technologies. Fuel cells, which convert hydrogen into electricity, are gaining traction as a clean energy source for various applications, including transportation and stationary power generation. Companies like Nikola Corp. are developing hydrogen fuel cell trucks, while the aviation industry explores hydrogen as a potential alternative to jet fuel.

Green hydrogen, produced using renewable energy sources, is another area of interest. Projects such as the wind-powered hydrogen production facility by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in Denmark highlight the potential of green hydrogen to reduce carbon emissions and provide a sustainable energy solution.

7. Investment in Infrastructure and Mobility

Significant investments in infrastructure and mobility are expected to drive growth in the engineering and research industry. The U.S. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law in 2021, allocates $1.2 trillion for various projects, including roads, bridges, public transportation, ports, airports, water, and energy. This funding will create substantial opportunities for engineering and design firms, leading to increased demand for innovative solutions and technologies.

For investors, consultants, and marketing professionals!

The engineering and research industry is at the forefront of technological innovation, with trends such as globalization, AI, biotechnology, electric vehicles, 3D printing, sustainable energy, and infrastructure investment driving growth and creating new opportunities. As an investor, consultant, or marketing professional, staying informed about these trends is crucial for identifying high-potential investments and capitalizing on the evolving landscape of the engineering and research sector. By understanding and leveraging these trends, stakeholders can position themselves for success in a rapidly changing industry.

Key Concepts:  Research, CAD CAM, internet, design, software, networks, artificial intelligence, hardware, jobs, innovation, investing, marketing, finance, technology, business

Source: Plunkett Research, Ltd., Copyright © 2024

Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston, Texas-based market research firm, has completed its latest research on the Real Estate & Construction Industry.  (See:  This revised and updated data is part of our massive Plunkett Research Online subscription service, where we continuously monitor the world’s 40 most vital business sectors, including such industries as retailing, artificial intelligence, health care, sports/recreation and much, much more.  Our analysts and market research continually monitor the world’s leading industries and companies and post thorough updates yearly.

Key Findings:

A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms within the Real Estate & Construction Industry.  Gain vital insights that can help shape strategy for business development, product development and investments.

Key Features:

  • Business trends analysis
  • In-depth industry overview
  • Technology trends analysis
  • Forecasts
  • Spending, investment, and consumption discussions
  • In-depth industry statistics and metrics
  • Industry employment numbers

Additional Key Features Include:

Industry Glossary

Industry Contacts list, including Professional Societies and Industry Associations

Profiles of industry-leading companies

  • U.S. and Global Firms
  • Publicly held, Private and Subsidiaries
  • Executive Contacts
  • Revenues
  • For Public Companies: Detailed Financial Summaries
  • Statistical Tables

Key Questions Answered Include:

  • How is the industry evolving?
  • How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
  • How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
  • What is the size of the market now and in the future?
  • What are the financial results of the leading companies?
  • What are the names and titles of top executives?
  • What are the top companies and what are their revenues?

This feature-rich report covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the Real Estate & Construction Industry.

Plunkett Research Provides Unique Analysis of the Following Major Trends Affecting the Real Estate & Construction Industry

  1. Introduction to the Real Estate & Construction Industry
  2. High Interest Rates Hinder Mortgage Originations, Slow Home Sales & Create Challenges for Commercial Real Estate
  3. Online Competition Changes the Mortgage Industry
  4. Apartment Rent Hikes Begin to Slow
  5. Real Estate Online Services Continue to Grow
  6. Internet-Based Home Sales and Court Rulings on Commissions Challenge Residential Brokers
  7. Homes and Commercial Buildings Seek Green Certification
  8. Building Technologies Advance/Robotics & 3D Printing Used in Construction
  9. Baby Boomers Become a Strong Influence in the Housing Market/Universal Design Improves Aging in Place
  10. Real Estate Markets in China Face Challenges
  11. Mixed-Use Developments Go Vertical
  12. Mall and Shopping Center Occupancy Challenged as Online Sales Hurt Stores
  13. Malls Remodel & Update Strategies to Boost Sales and Attract Shoppers
  14. Remodeling Market Slows
  15. Shared Spaces for Co-Living and Co-Working Face Challenges
  16. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the Smart Home
  17. The Future of Housing/The Future of Cities

Plunkett Research Provides In-Depth Tables for the Following Real Estate & Construction Industry Statistics

  1. Real Estate & Construction Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
  2. Value of U.S. Private Construction Put in Place: 2017-2023
  3. Value of U.S. Public (Government) Construction Put in Place: 2017-2023
  4. Estimates of the Total Housing Inventory for the U.S.: 2022-2023
  5. Commercial, Residential & Farm Mortgages by Holder, U.S.: 2015-2023
  6. Home Mortgages by Holder, U.S.: 2015-2023
  7. Mortgage Loans Outstanding, U.S.: 1985-2023
  8. New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started, U.S.: 1985-2023
  9. Homeownership Rates by Region, U.S.: Selected Years, 1965-2023
  10. Average Sales Prices of New Homes Sold in U.S.: 1963-2023
  11. Median & Average Sales Price of New Single Family Homes by Region, U.S.: 1990-2023
  12. Construction Industry Employment, U.S.: 2019-February 2024
  13. Real Estate & Construction-Related Employment, Niche Sectors U.S.: 2019- February 2024