The Future: Pervasive Computing and Complete Mobility Will Be Standard
The continued enhancement of smartphones has ushered in a decline in the need for the desktop PC, while the reasonably portable laptop PC has likewise been diminished in importance. In fact, smartphones with larger screens are taking over more and more of the functions and tasks previously assigned to laptops. Mobility, miniaturization, fast wireless connections, easy access to data, software-as-a-service, and entertainment via apps and the cloud, as well as long-lasting batteries, reign supreme in this trend.
This relentless drive toward miniaturization will have a profound effect on the way we interact with computing devices over the long-term. Rooms and automobiles that react to a person when he or she enters the car, home or office will become standard. Cars that use Bluetooth to connect automatically to a driver’s smartphone are an important start in that direction. Wearable, personal sensors are quickly growing in sophistication. The so-called smart watch is evolving to the point that it is a convenient alternative to looking at a smartphone’s screen for many uses.
Devices featuring augmented reality and virtual reality will become standard in training and education for very detailed tasks (such as hospital operating room procedures), as well as for gaming and entertainment. This is another outcome of highly-miniaturized, highly-advanced wearable devices.
The technology age of the near future may be referred to as the “Connected Devices Age” or perhaps the “Pervasive Computing Age,” as the Internet of Things comes into being. That is, computing devices will surround us at all times in all places, largely interconnected and communicating with both the user and the environment around the user.
For everything you need to know about the global Internet of Things (IoT) & Data Analytics sector, see:
Plunkett’s Internet of Things (IoT) & Data Analytics Almanac 2020
Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers
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Also available in Almanac Editions.
Publication Date: March 2020 | Price: $379.99
Printed ISBN: 978-1-62831-553-0
eBook ISBN: 978-1-62831-872-2
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