VIDEO: The Internet of Things is about to change your life. Our new 6-minute video is available to subscribers on Plunkett Research Online, and to the public on YouTube:
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Great news! We’ve launched the Internet of Things & Data Analytics Industry research channel for subscribers to Plunkett Research Online. And, we’ve published the industry almanac version.
How the IoT Works: Simply put, IoT is a method of enabling objects to communicate with each other. Most aspects of this process can also be described as machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. A network of some sort is always involved, thus the use of the descriptor “internet of things.”
To put the massive scale and potential of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in perspective, consider the following: In a world of roughly 5 billion people with access to the internet (about two-thirds of the world’s population), about three times as many (14.6 billion) objects will be connected to the internet by 2022, according to projections by network device firm Cisco. Over the very long term, trillions of objects, points of geography, buildings, devices, appliances, vehicles, etc. may eventually be communicating with each other and with major computer systems via networks, fixed or wireless, over the IoT. Spending on IoT worldwide was estimated at $745 billion for 2019 by analysts at International Data Corporation (IDT).
Available to Plunkett Research Online subscribers
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Also available in Almanac editions
Publication Date: April 2019 Price: $379.99
Printed ISBN: 978-1-62831-515-8
eBook ISBN: 978-1-62831-840-1
See the complete listings of book contents and details here.