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OpenAI (ChatGPT), StabilityAI, Anthropic (Claude) and Others Launch Impressive Tools that Generate Text, Art, Code and Smart ChatBots, Business and Industry Trends Analysis

OpenAI ( created GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer.  It uses language-processing algorithms mined from massive numbers of gigabytes of data gathered by internet crawling, enabling it study digital files (machine learning) in order to answer questions, write essays and summaries, translate languages, create memos or program computer code, among other tasks.  (This process is known as “generative AI.”)
By 2023, OpenAI had accepted substantial investments from Microsoft.  Importantly, it had launched leading-edge AI interfaces, including ChatGPT that are easy to use in the automated creation of text (such as magazine articles), art (such as illustrations for websites), music and even complex computer code.  While these AI tools produce very impressive results, they remain a work in progress, with continuing refinement needed.
In addition to ChatGPT, OpenAI’s other impressive AI-driven tools include Dall-E, for creation of art images and Codex, which utilizes AI to help programmers create lines of code.  (Codex is the basis for Microsoft’s popular GitHub Copilot programming aid.)  OpenAI launched a business version of ChatGPT called ChatGPT Enterprise in mid-2023, which focuses on protecting proprietary data.
OpenAI and Microsoft have many competitors in the generative AI arena, not the least of which is Google’s parent company Alphabet and owner of the DeepMind AI lab.  Alphabet developed its own Smart Chat system.  It was initially called Bard, but the name was changed to Gemini in early 2024. It is based on the firm’s long-standing project known as LaMDA, or Language Model for Dialogue Applications.  Other pioneers include Stability AI, AI21 Labs, Character AI, Cohere, Runway, Hugging Face and Anthropic (backed with $7 billion in investment from Amazon, Google and others).  Web services leaders like Amazon’s AWS and Baidu are also very active in AI-driven tools such as chatbots and automated computer code.  China’s Baidu launched Ernie Bot in March 2023.  China-based Huawei has also invested heavily in AI, including development of a Smart Chat bot.  Watch especially for big leaps forward in AI-enhanced search engines as a result of this competition.
The use of AI tools such as these that learn from the works of millions of human producers (machine learning), and then create new text, art, etc., is leading to significant debate as to copyrights, fair use and other aspects of ownership.  Getty Images, a company that sells licenses for photos available for commercial use via its websites, sued Stability AI in courts in London, England claiming breach of copyright.  In addition, the ability of students to use tools like ChatGPT to create essays and other homework is sparking significant controversy within the education sector.  (Several tools exist to aid teachers and editors in determining whether or not text was generated by AI, but such tools are likely to lag by the ever-growing capabilities of AI platforms.)
Meanwhile, SmartBots, including the ability of tools like ChatGPT to write intelligent answers and search results on-the-fly go far beyond writing essays and providing customer service.  Microsoft is incorporating Chat AI into its Edge/Bing search tools, and Google launched similar search enhancements of its own.  Product suggestions and search results on websites, such as those of retailers like H&M or Saks, may become significantly more effective thanks to incorporation of these AI tools.  This will lead to systems that literally act as virtual salespeople, which will boost revenues at retailers and also increase customer satisfaction.  The ability of these tools to study massive amounts of background and reference data (machine learning) could lead to virtual teachers, counselors and business professionals in the not-too-distant future.  For example, students could ask for auto-generated textbooks tailored to their specific, personal needs and interests.  (Virtual tutors may be the first step.)  Business owners could query virtual human resources SmartBots, deeply immersed in legal material—even specific to specific job types, state jurisdictions or management problems.  The owners could obtain guidance on how to deal with (or even dismiss) problem employees.

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