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Globalization and Worldwide Collaboration Fuel the Research Efforts of Major Corporations, Business and Industry Trends Analysis

Globalization is deeply affecting the corporate world at all levels.  This can be seen in everything from the inexpensive consumer goods flooding into the U.S. from manufacturers in China to the growing business that American software makers have found overseas.  The advent of extremely fast communication systems, such as the internet, global fiber-optic lines, e-mail and instant messaging, as well as overnight international courier services and well-established airline service to nearly anywhere in the world, helps to spur on globalization.  Nonetheless, recent global trade tension may slow globalization and lead at least some research to return to domestic facilities in the U.S., EU, U.K. and Japan.
Meanwhile, there are legions of well-educated scientists and engineers in areas such as India, Eastern Europe and China who can be hired for salaries that are below those of their U.S.-based peers (although rising wages in China and India are diluting this effect).  These factors all combine to make globalized research efforts attractive for many reasons.  For example, a major automotive, pharmaceutical, software or hardware company in the U.S. can create a cost-effective, 24/7 research department by handing off research or design work from America to Ireland to India to Japan—it will always be daylight in some part of the world, and collaboration software makes it possible for employees to work together on the same project from anywhere on the planet.
Another concept with regard to collaboration is open innovation, in which ideas from a variety of sources including business partners, suppliers, employees, consumers and media are used by companies to develop new products outside of their normal internal R&D departments.  First coined by Henry Chesbrough of the Center for Open Innovation at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, the approach affords greater speed and efficiency than traditional development processes.

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