This brief message is part of a series that shows you how to get the most out of Plunkett Research Online by using the exciting new industry analytics data that is now part of our service. We’ve added tremendous value and utility for our online subscribers.
Let’s say that you want to know the forecasted growth for the Computer Facilities Management industry in the U.S.
Go to the Computers and Software Research Center on Plunkett Research Online.
Click Industry Analytics.

Use the drop down list to select “Outsourced Computer Facilities Management and Operations.”
Then click on Industry Summary.
Here you are able to see current revenues ($43.9 billion), current annual growth rate (5.0%), historical growth rate for the past seven years (6.52%), projected revenues for the year 2021 ($71.7 billion), and the projected annual growth rate from 2014-2021, (6.4%).
You are also able to view a 7-year chart of industry revenues growth along with a chart of changes in employment, all with just a couple of clicks!
That’s the power of our new industry data at work! If you are a current subscriber to Plunkett Research Online, then please log in to to try out the new industry analytics tools today!
If you are not a subscriber, please contact us for your free trial access at You’ll be very pleased by our terrific market research, easy-to-use data tools, and great prices!