Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry (U.S.) Revenues Market Size Forecasts Benchmarks Analysis

(Includes complete industry benchmarks for income, cash flow, balance sheet and more)


Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry Industry (U.S.): Analytics, Extensive Financial Metrics, Benchmarks Against Averages and Top Companies Within Its Industry, and Revenue Forecasts to 2030, NAIC 334412

Vital industry-specific data including metrics, benchmarks, historic numbers, growth rates and forecasts that will save countless hours of research.

Key Findings: -Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry Industry (U.S.) to reach $8,031,460,620 by 2030. -Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry Industry (U.S.), including Average EBITDA, Operating Ratios and Sales per Employee.

Core Benefits to Customer: 1) Comprehensive overview of an industry financial results, ratios, vital statistics and metrics in one package 2) Complete benchmarking of the industry and its top companies 3) Deep industry and company financials

This Plunkett Analytics Report Features: 1) Historical data 2) Revenue forecasts, growth rates and CAGR 3)


Includes Details on the Following Companies, as well as Benchmarks for the Entire Industry:

  • Multi
  • Fineline Electronix Inc
  • Park Aerospace Corp

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
A. Core Benefits to Customer:
- Comprehensive overview of an industry''s financial results, ratios and vital metrics in one package (U.S. data)
- Benchmarking of:
1. Deep financials of each of the leading companies in the industry
2. Multi-year financial averages for all companies in the industry
3. This industry''s financial ratios compared to all other industries.
- Historical revenues
- Enterprise population
- Multi-year employee count and sales per employee
- Current and forecast revenues and CAGR to 2031
- Profiles of the industry''s leading firms, with multi-year financial histories

II. Industry Description for this NAIC Code
- Types of business activities

III. Industry Summary, Current Year (U.S. Data)
- Revenues and CAGR 2023
- Revenue forecast to 2031 with CAGR
- Historical revenues
- Historical CAGR
- Top U.S. companies, by revenues
- Employment within the industry, 2023 and historic

IV. Employment and Establishment Count (U.S. Data)
- Number of firms and establishments, 2016-2023
- Employees, 2016-2023, with growth rates
- Average annual sales per firm and per establishment, 2016-2023
- Annual sales per employee, 2016-2023

V. This Industry''s Financial Data, U.S., With Revenue Projections to 2031

A. Revenues, Historical and Projected
- Historical revenues & CAGR growth rates, 2016-2023
- Projected revenues & CAGR growth rates, 2023-2031

B. Average Annual Operating Ratio Estimates and Benchmarks for Current Year
- Income items, expenses, profits and taxes as a percent of total revenues for this industry

C. This Industry Compared to All Industries, Benchmarks for Current Year

- Comparison of revenues for this industry to total revenues for all industries
- Comparison of EBITDA, profits and income taxes for this industry to the same items in total for all industries

D. Table of Companies Used in Creating Industry Averages
- Detailed, alphabetical listing of companies, with revenues, location, ticker symbol and exchange

E. Industry Results and Benchmarks for Publicly-Held Companies
- Income statement averages, 2016-2023
- All income statement items, including, cost of sales, SGA, R&D, salaries and wages, and EBITDA, with ratios
- Chart showing key expenses as a percent of revenues
- Balance sheet averages, 2016-2023
- All items, including property plant and equipment, accumulated depreciation, goodwill, and long term debt, including ratios
- Cash flow averages, 2016-2018
- All cash flow items

VI. Top Companies Profiled & Ranked
- In-depth profiles, financial reports, ranks & executive lists for up to 10 top U.S.-based corporations

A. Top Companies Ranked for Key Items:
- Approximate market capitalization
- Employees
- Revenues
- Net income
- 3-Year revenue growth rate
- 3-Year income growth rate
- Return on assets rate
- Return on equity rate
- Return on invested capital rate

B. Benchmarking of the Industry''s Top Companies, to Each Other and to their Industry''s Averages for All Metrics
- Income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements for each of the top companies compared to the industry''s overall average

C. Corporate Profiles (Descriptions of the Top Companies Within the Industry, Including Executive Listings and Multi-Year Financial Results)
- Contact information, executive lists
- Business descriptions
- Key financial data for 6 years
- Brands and divisions
- Top salaries
- Corporate culture
- Charts comparing revenues vs. net income

VII. Appendix: Assumptions
- U.S. GDP Growth and Forecasts, 2016-2031

VIII. Data Description and Sources

Benchmarks: The target company is benchmarked against these peers:

I. Introduction
A. Core Benefits to Customer:
- Comprehensive overview of an industry''s financial results, ratios and vital metrics in one package (U.S. data)
- Benchmarking of:
1. Deep financials of each of the leading companies in the industry
2. Multi-year financial averages for all companies in the industry
3. This industry''s financial ratios compared to all other industries.
- Historical revenues
- Enterprise population
- Multi-year employee count and sales per employee
- Current and forecast revenues and CAGR to 2031
- Profiles of the industry''s leading firms, with multi-year financial histories

II. Industry Description for this NAIC Code
- Types of business activities

III. Industry Summary, Current Year (U.S. Data)
- Revenues and CAGR 2023
- Revenue forecast to 2031 with CAGR
- Historical revenues
- Historical CAGR
- Top U.S. companies, by revenues
- Employment within the industry, 2023 and historic

IV. Employment and Establishment Count (U.S. Data)
- Number of firms and establishments, 2016-2023
- Employees, 2016-2023, with growth rates
- Average annual sales per firm and per establishment, 2016-2023
- Annual sales per employee, 2016-2023

V. This Industry''s Financial Data, U.S., With Revenue Projections to 2031

A. Revenues, Historical and Projected
- Historical revenues & CAGR growth rates, 2016-2023
- Projected revenues & CAGR growth rates, 2023-2031

B. Average Annual Operating Ratio Estimates and Benchmarks for Current Year
- Income items, expenses, profits and taxes as a percent of total revenues for this industry

C. This Industry Compared to All Industries, Benchmarks for Current Year

- Comparison of revenues for this industry to total revenues for all industries
- Comparison of EBITDA, profits and income taxes for this industry to the same items in total for all industries

D. Table of Companies Used in Creating Industry Averages
- Detailed, alphabetical listing of companies, with revenues, location, ticker symbol and exchange

E. Industry Results and Benchmarks for Publicly-Held Companies
- Income statement averages, 2016-2023
- All income statement items, including, cost of sales, SGA, R&D, salaries and wages, and EBITDA, with ratios
- Chart showing key expenses as a percent of revenues
- Balance sheet averages, 2016-2023
- All items, including property plant and equipment, accumulated depreciation, goodwill, and long term debt, including ratios
- Cash flow averages, 2016-2018
- All cash flow items

VI. Top Companies Profiled & Ranked
- In-depth profiles, financial reports, ranks & executive lists for up to 10 top U.S.-based corporations

A. Top Companies Ranked for Key Items:
- Approximate market capitalization
- Employees
- Revenues
- Net income
- 3-Year revenue growth rate
- 3-Year income growth rate
- Return on assets rate
- Return on equity rate
- Return on invested capital rate

B. Benchmarking of the Industry''s Top Companies, to Each Other and to their Industry''s Averages for All Metrics
- Income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements for each of the top companies compared to the industry''s overall average

C. Corporate Profiles (Descriptions of the Top Companies Within the Industry, Including Executive Listings and Multi-Year Financial Results)
- Contact information, executive lists
- Business descriptions
- Key financial data for 6 years
- Brands and divisions
- Top salaries
- Corporate culture
- Charts comparing revenues vs. net income

VII. Appendix: Assumptions
- U.S. GDP Growth and Forecasts, 2016-2031

VIII. Data Description and Sources

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