August 24, 2020
HOUSTON, Texas – Plunkett Research, Ltd. announces an important market research and competitive analysis report, Plunkett’s Biotech, Pharmaceuticals & Genetics Industry Almanac, 2021 edition. A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms.
Biotechnology can be defined as the use of living organisms (such as bacteria), biological processes, or biological systems in order to create a desired end result or end product. Primary markets for biotechnology include: 1) Agriculture, where genetically-modified seeds are now in wide use in many nations. 2) The manufacture of enzymes for food processing or converting organic matter into ethanol for fuel. 3) Pharmaceuticals, where biotechnology creates such therapies as antibodies, interleukins and vaccines based on living organisms to target specific cellular conditions. Plunkett Research estimates that combined biotech revenues for publicly-held firms headquartered in the U.S. and E.U. will be $190 billion during 2019.
Key Findings:
- Plunkett Research analyzes the top trends changing the industry, and provides in-depth industry statistics. In addition, this publication profiles the top 400 companies in the Biotech, Pharmaceuticals & Genetics Industry.
Available Formats:
- Printed Almanac: ISBN 978-1-62831-580-6 (Available Now)
- E-book: ISBN 978-1-62831-887-6 (Available Now)
- Plunkett Research Online (Subscribers)
Key Features Include:
- Industry trends analysis, market data and competitive intelligence
- Market forecasts and Industry Statistics
- Industry Associations and Professional Societies List
- In-Depth Profiles of hundreds of leading companies
- Industry Glossary
- Link to 5-minute video overview of this industry
Pages: 516
Statistical Tables Provided: 15
Companies Profiled: 353
Geographic Focus: Global
Price: $379.99
Key Questions Answered Include:
- How is the industry evolving?
- How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
- How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
- What is the size of the market now and in the future?
- What are the financial results of the leading companies?
- What are the names and titles of top executives?
- What are the top companies and what are their revenues?
This feature-rich book covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the biotech, pharmaceuticals & genetics business including:
- The State of the Biotechnology Industry Today
- The Coronavirus’ Effect on the Biotech, Pharmaceuticals & Genetics Industry
- A Short History of Biotechnology
- Fast Track Drugs Come to Market in the U.S. with FDA Cooperation
- Ethanol Production Soared, But U.S. Federal Subsidy Expires
- Cellulosic Ethanol Makes Slow Commercial Progress
- Major Drug Companies Acquire or Partner With Smaller Biotech Firms
- Pharmaceutical R&D Improves with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- From Korea to India to Singapore to China, Nations Compete Fiercely in Biotech
- Patients’ Genetic Profiles Plummet in Price as DNA Sequencing Technologies Advance
- Gene Therapies Target Defective Genes/CRISPR Advances DNA Editing
- Vaccines and Viruses in Drug Delivery
- New Blockbuster Drugs Come to Market/ Drug Prices Soar
- Generic Drugs Have Biggest Market Share by Unit Volume, but not by Total Revenues
- Coupons and Other Marketing Schemes Obscure the Retail Prices of Drugs in the U.S.,
Which Are Vastly Higher than Prices Paid in Other Nations
- Biotech and Orphan Drugs Create New Revenues for Drug Firms
- Biosimilars (Generic Biotech Drugs) Receive FDA Guidelines for Accelerated Approval/Competition Will Be Fierce
- Market for CBD Is on the Rise
- Stem Cells—Multiple Sources Stem from New Technologies
- Stem Cells—Therapeutic Cloning Techniques Advance
- Stem Cells and 3-D Printing—A New Era of Tissue Replacement Takes Shape
- Genetically Modified (GM) Seeds and Crops Planted in Dozens of Nations/Agribio R&D Investment Is High
- Genetically Modified (GM) Foods Prompt Controversy, Labeling and Legislation
- Cloning of Farm Animals/Meat and Cheese Substitutes Created in Laboratories/3-D Printed Food Appears
- Selective Plant Breeding, Mutagenesis and Gene-Editing, Including CRISPR, as Alternatives to GM Seeds
- Immunotherapy and CAR-T Create Exciting New Approach to Fighting Cancers
- Technology Discussion—Genes and DNA
- Technology Discussion—Proteins and Proteomics
- Technology Discussion—DNA Chips
- Technology Discussion—SNPs (“Snips”)
- Technology Discussion—Synthetic Biology
- Technology Discussion—Recombinant DNA
- Technology Discussion—Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Biotech & Genetics Industry Statistics
- Biotech Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview
- The U.S. Drug Discovery & Approval Process
- U.S. FDA New Drug (NDA) and Biologic (BLA) Approvals, 2019
- U.S. Pharmaceutical R&D Spending Versus the Number of New Molecular Entity (NME)
Approvals: 1994-2019 - Employment in Life & Physical Science Occupations by Business Type, U.S.: May 2019
- Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Basic Research, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2019-2021
- U.S. Exports & Imports of Pharmaceutical Products: 2014-1st Quarter 2020
- U.S. Prescription Drug Expenditures, Aggregate & Per Capita Amounts, Percent Distribution: 2012-2028
- Prescription Drug Expenditures, U.S.: Selected Years, 1985-2028
- Total U.S. Biotechnology Patents Granted per Year by Patent Class: 1977-2015
- NSF Budget by Appropriation (Dollars in Millions), Fiscal Years 2019-2021
- Global Area of Biotech Crops by Country: 2018
- Domestic & Foreign Pharmaceutical Sales, PhRMA Member Companies: 1985-2018
- Domestic U.S. Biopharmaceutical R&D & R&D Abroad, PhRMA Member Companies: 1985-2018
- Domestic U.S. Biopharmaceutical R&D & R&D Abroad Breakdown, PhRMA Member Companies: 2018
Companies Mentioned Include:
- Vericel Corporation
- Abaxis Inc
- Abbott Laboratories
- Abeona Therapeutics Inc
- Insmed Inc
- Affymetrix Inc
- Agilent Technologies Inc
- Akorn Inc
- Albany Molecular Research Inc
- Alcon Inc