Plunkett Research Online: Washington Nationals

WASHINGTON NATIONALS (Private) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

The Washington Nationals is a professional baseball team based in Washington DC. The franchise was founded in 1969 under the name of the Montreal Expos as part of a four-team expansion and were later purchased by Major League Baseball (MLB) which relocated the team to Washington DC. As the Montrea.....


Ticker: Private
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 202-675-6287
Fax: 202-640-7999
Address: 1500 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003 United States

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Contacts Description

Mark D. LernerManaging Principal Owner
Ted TowneCFO
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The Washington Nationals is a professional baseball team based in Washington DC. The franchise was founded in 1969 under the name of the Montreal Expos as part of a four-team expansion and were later purchased by Major League Baseball (MLB) which relocated the team to Washington DC. As the Montrea.....See More See More

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