Great news, we’re adding in-depth coverage of 2 vital industry sectors for our 2019 online database and almanacs list:
✓ Plunkett’s Internet of Things (IoT) & Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications Industry
✓ Plunkett’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning Industry
1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning Industry Almanac 2019
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will rapidly be adopted by virtually all industry sectors. Banks will make lending decisions with AI, engineers will rely on it for help with sophisticated design decisions, manufacturers will rely on it for efficiency, and marketers will utilize AI to push advertising campaigns to the most likely audiences. Massive amounts of investment are pouring into AI in such nations as the U.S., Japan, China and Germany.
At Plunkett Research Online, and
Almanac editions: Publication: February 2019 Price: $379.99
Printed ISBN: 978-1-62831-516-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-62831-841-8
2) The Internet of Things (IoT) & Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Industry Almanac 2019
The Internet of Things, along with the related technology of Machine-to-Machine Communications, will soon be a major change in the way that we communicate with, monitor and control virtually everything: from self-driving cars—to air conditioning systems—to industrial plants—to airliners. Billions of dollars are pouring into this sector now, which will create a vital leap forward for the environment and sustainability; health care, transportation and manufacturing, to name but a few uses.
At Plunkett Research Online, and
Almanac editions: Publication: April 2019 Price: $379.99
Printed ISBN: 978-1-62831-477-9
eBook ISBN: 978-1-62831-802-9