Plunkett Research Online: VeriTeQ Corp

VERITEQ CORP (VTEQ) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

VeriTeQ Corp develops and markets RFID technologies to identify implantable medical devices to use in radiation therapy treatment. The company is building a data analytics and informatics platform that will collect non-patient specific treatment regimen data and improve evidence-based healthcare......


Ticker: VTEQ
Exchange: PINX
Parent Company:
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Phone: 561 846-7000
Fax: 561 846-7001
Address: 220 Congress Park Drive
Delray Beach, FL 33445 United States

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Contacts Description

Daniel PenniCEO/Director/Chairman of the Board/President
Lorraine BreeceCFO
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VeriTeQ Corp develops and markets RFID technologies to identify implantable medical devices to use in radiation therapy treatment. The company is building a data analytics and informatics platform that will collect non-patient specific treatment regimen data and improve evidence-based healthcare......See More See More

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