Plunkett Research Online: Seikagaku Corp

SEIKAGAKU CORP (SKUNF) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Seikagaku Corp makes and sells pharmaceuticals and medical devices related to glycoconjugates. The firm operates in two segments: pharmaceutical and LAL. The pharmaceutical segment contributes the majority of revenue. This business sells pharmaceutical products made from hyaluronic acid, a major com.....


Ticker: SKUNF
Exchange: GREY
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 81 352208950
Fax: 81 352208951
Address: Marunouchi Center Building 10 Floor
Tokyo , 100-0005 Japan

Types Of Business
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Contacts Description

Seikagaku Corp makes and sells pharmaceuticals and medical devices related to glycoconjugates. The firm operates in two segments: pharmaceutical and LAL. The pharmaceutical segment contributes the majority of revenue. This business sells pharmaceutical products made from hyaluronic acid, a major com.....See More See More

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