Plunkett Research Online: OGE Energy Corp

OGE ENERGY CORP (OGE:NYS) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

OGE Energy is a holding company for Oklahoma Gas & Electric, a regulated utility with electricity generation, transmission, and distribution to more than 800,000 customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas. In December 2021, OGE divested its 25.5% stake in Enable Midstream Partners, an oil and gas se.....

OGE Energy Corp
Ticker: OGE
Exchange: NYS
Parent Company:
Year Established:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 405 553-3000
Fax: 405 553-3760
Address: 321 North Harvey
P.O. Box 321
Oklahoma, OK 73101-0321 United States

Types Of Business
Industry Ranks

Industry NAICS code:

Energy Marketing
Natural Gas Processing, Storage & Transportation
Electric Generation
Contacts Description
Sean TrauschkeCEO/Chairman of the Board/Director/President
William BucklerCFO
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Auditor: EY
Legal Advisor:
$USD, In whole numbers,
except marked * or %
    Cost of Revenue
    Gross Margin %
    R&D Expense
    Operating Income
    Operating Margin %
    SGA Expense
    Net Income
    Earnings Per Share
    Book Value Per Share
    Operating Cash Flow
    Capital Expenditure
    Free Cash Flow
    Return on Assets %
    Return on Equity %
    Net Margin %
    Assets Turnover
    Financial Leverage
Brands, Divisions and Affiliates Top Salaries
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company
Enable Midstream Partners LP
OGE Holdings LLC
NameTitleSalary (US$)Bonus (US$)
Other Thoughts Corporate Culture

Apparent Female Officers or Directors:

OGE Energy offers its employees a 401(k), annual performance-based bonus program and a variety of assistance programs.