Plunkett Research Online: Itronics, Inc.

ITRONICS, INC. (ITRO) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Itronics Inc, through its subsidiaries, is involved in photochemical recycling and related silver recovery, liquid fertilizer manufacturing, and mining technical services. It owns and operates photochemical silver and water recycling plant in the United States that converts spent photoliquids into p.....


Ticker: ITRO
Exchange: PINX
Parent Company:
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Phone: 775 689-7696
Fax: 775 689-7691
Address: 6490 SO. MCCARRAN BLVD.
Reno, NV 89509 United States

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Contacts Description

Itronics Inc, through its subsidiaries, is involved in photochemical recycling and related silver recovery, liquid fertilizer manufacturing, and mining technical services. It owns and operates photochemical silver and water recycling plant in the United States that converts spent photoliquids into p.....See More See More

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