Plunkett Research Online: DTE Gas Company

DTE GAS COMPANY (Subsidiary) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

DTE Gas Company is a public utility company, and a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of DTE Energy Company. The firm purchases, stores, transmits, distributes and sells natural gas to approximately 1.3 million residential, commercial and industrial end-user customers in Michigan. DTE Gas purchases .....


Ticker: Subsidiary
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 313-235-4000
Fax: 313-235-8055
Address: One Energy Plaza
Detroit, MI 48226 United States

Types Of Business
Industry Ranks

Industry NAICS code:
Parent Company: DTE Energy Company

Contacts Description

Jerry NorciaCEO
Diane AntishinVP-Human Resources
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DTE Gas Company is a public utility company, and a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of DTE Energy Company. The firm purchases, stores, transmits, distributes and sells natural gas to approximately 1.3 million residential, commercial and industrial end-user customers in Michigan. DTE Gas purchases .....See More See More

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Parent DTE Energy offers employees comprehensive health and wellness benefits; various types of insurance products; a 401(k) and retirement plans; and employee assistance programs.