Plunkett Research Online: Deciphera Pharmaceuticals

DECIPHERA PHARMACEUTICALS (DCPH) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc is a biotechnology company, which develops and manufactures kinase-inhibiting drugs for the treatment of cancers and immunological diseases. It holds a diverse pipeline of drug candidates that includes three clinical-stage and two research-stage programs. Its lead drug .....


Ticker: DCPH
Exchange: NAS
Parent Company:
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Phone: 781 209-6400
Fax: 785 830-2150
Address: 500 Totten Pond Road
Waltham, MA 02451 United States

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Contacts Description

Steven HoerterCEO/Director/President
Thomas KellyCFO/Chief Accounting Officer/Executive VP/Treasurer
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Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc is a biotechnology company, which develops and manufactures kinase-inhibiting drugs for the treatment of cancers and immunological diseases. It holds a diverse pipeline of drug candidates that includes three clinical-stage and two research-stage programs. Its lead drug .....See More See More

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