Plunkett Research Online: CGG SA

CGG SA (CGGYY) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

CGG SA is a global technology and HPC providers that delivers data, products, services and solutions in Earth science, data science, sensing and monitoring. Its portfolio supports in efficiently and responsibly solving complex digital, energy transition, natural resource, environmental, and infrastr.....


Ticker: CGGYY
Exchange: PINX
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 33-16-447-4500
Fax: 33-16-447-3429
Address: Tour Maine Montparnasse, 33 Ave. Du Maine
Paris, 75015 France

Types Of Business
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Contacts Description

Sophie ZurquiyahCEO
Colin MurdochExec. VP-Processing, Imaging & Reservoir Div.
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CGG SA is a global technology and HPC providers that delivers data, products, services and solutions in Earth science, data science, sensing and monitoring. Its portfolio supports in efficiently and responsibly solving complex digital, energy transition, natural resource, environmental, and infrastr.....See More See More

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