Plunkett Research Online: Camurus

CAMURUS (CAMRF) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Camurus AB is a research and development focused pharmaceutical company. It develops pharmaceuticals for the treatment of serious and chronic diseases such as opioid addiction, pain, cancer, and endocrine diseases. The company's product pipeline includes CAM2038, CAM2029, CAM2032, and others. The co.....


Ticker: CAMRF
Exchange: GREY
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 46 462865730
Fax: 46 462865739
Address: Ideon Science Park
Lund, SE-223 70 Sweden

Types Of Business
Industry Ranks

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Ranks not available
Contacts Description

Camurus AB is a research and development focused pharmaceutical company. It develops pharmaceuticals for the treatment of serious and chronic diseases such as opioid addiction, pain, cancer, and endocrine diseases. The company's product pipeline includes CAM2038, CAM2029, CAM2032, and others. The co.....See More See More

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