Plunkett Research Online: Bombril SA

BOMBRIL SA (BOBR4) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Bombril SA manufactures and sells household hygiene and cleaning products primarily in Brazil. The firm’s more than 15 brands include Limpol, Mon Bijou, Sapolio Radium, Kalipto, Pinho Bril and Brillo. Bombril’s main product is steel wool, but also produces dishwashing liquid, soaps, scourers, disi.....


Ticker: BOBR4
Exchange: Sao Paulo
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 55 1143661001
Fax: 55 1143661001
Address: Via Anchieta, Km 14, S/N, Rudge
Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP 09696-000 Brazil

Types Of Business
Industry Ranks

Industry NAICS code:

Contacts Description

Ronnie Borges da MottaCEO/Pres.
Ronaldo Sampaio FerreiraChmn.
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Bombril SA manufactures and sells household hygiene and cleaning products primarily in Brazil. The firm’s more than 15 brands include Limpol, Mon Bijou, Sapolio Radium, Kalipto, Pinho Bril and Brillo. Bombril’s main product is steel wool, but also produces dishwashing liquid, soaps, scourers, disi.....See More See More

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