Plunkett Research Online: Biocure Technology

BIOCURE TECHNOLOGY (CURE) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Biocure Technology Inc is a South Korean based Bio Pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and potential commercialization of biosimilar pharmaceutical products. It is in the process of preclinical trials of five major biosimilar products in South Korea, including Interferon Beta 1b, .....


Ticker: CURE
Exchange: CNQ
Parent Company:
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Phone: 604 630-3838
Fax: 888 241-5996
Address: 1130 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4 Canada

Types Of Business
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Contacts Description

Ruben VerzosaCEO/Director/President
Nizar BharmalCFO/Director
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Biocure Technology Inc is a South Korean based Bio Pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and potential commercialization of biosimilar pharmaceutical products. It is in the process of preclinical trials of five major biosimilar products in South Korea, including Interferon Beta 1b, .....See More See More

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