Plunkett Research Online: Alticor Inc (Amway)

ALTICOR INC (AMWAY) (Private) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

Alticor, Inc. is the parent company of Amway Corporation and other subsidiaries. Amway, Alticor’s largest source of revenue, is a direct marketer for personal care, nutrition, energy/sport and commercial products through 1 million distributors worldwide in more than 100 countries. Amway’s main pro.....


Ticker: Private
Parent Company:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 616-787-1000
Fax: 800-762-6308
Address: 7575 Fulton St. E.
Ada, MI 49355 United States

Types Of Business
Industry Ranks

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Contacts Description

Milind PantCEO
Becky SmithCFO
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Alticor, Inc. is the parent company of Amway Corporation and other subsidiaries. Amway, Alticor’s largest source of revenue, is a direct marketer for personal care, nutrition, energy/sport and commercial products through 1 million distributors worldwide in more than 100 countries. Amway’s main pro.....See More See More

$USD, In whole numbers2023202220212020201920182017
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Other Thoughts Corporate Culture

Alticor offers its employees medical, dental and vision insurance as well as wellness programs.