Plunkett Research Online: ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA

ACS ACTIVIDADES DE CONSTRUCCION Y SERVICIOS SA (ACSAF:PINX) Company Profile, Corporate Revenues, Growth, Market Size, Analysis, Business Forecasts, Market Share, Metrics, SWOT

ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA completes construction and service activities for infrastructure and energy projects. In addition to infrastructure-related developments, the company constructs buildings and projects related to the mining sector. It has four operating segments: constru.....

ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA
Ticker: ACSAF
Exchange: PINX
Parent Company:
Year Established:
Fiscal Year Ends in

Phone: 34 913439200
Fax: 34 913439456
Address: Avenida Pío XII n 102
Madrid, 28036 Spain

Types Of Business
Industry Ranks

Industry NAICS code:

Heavy Construction
Engineering Services
Civic Construction & Infrastructure
Industrial Services
Facility Maintenance
Passenger Transportation
Transportation Concessions
Water Treatment & Desalination Plants
Contacts Description
Florentino RodriguezChairman of the Board/Director
Antonio GarciaDirector
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ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA completes construction and service activities for infrastructure and energy projects. In addition to infrastructure-related developments, the company constructs buildings and projects related to the mining sector. It has four operating segments: constru.....See More See More

Auditor: KPMG Auditores, S.L.
Legal Advisor:
$USD, In whole numbers,
except marked * or %
    Cost of Revenue
    Gross Margin %
    R&D Expense
    Operating Income
    Operating Margin %
    SGA Expense
    Net Income
    Earnings Per Share
    Book Value Per Share
    Operating Cash Flow
    Capital Expenditure
    Free Cash Flow
    Return on Assets %
    Return on Equity %
    Net Margin %
    Assets Turnover
    Financial Leverage
Brands, Divisions and Affiliates Top Salaries
Dragados SA
Hochtief AG
Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras
Cimic Group
Turner Construction Company
Other Thoughts Corporate Culture

Apparent Female Officers or Directors: