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Industries Forecasts Dataset: Multiyear Forecasts, History and Sizing-- 500 U.S. Sectors

Dataset FAQs

Plunkett’s Industries Forecasts Dataset provides unique and proprietary insights into vital metrics, including multi-year forecasts of market sizing and growth, for over 500+ leading U.S. industries, as well as historic growth rates for those sectors.  The data is downloadable and conveniently sorted by industry name and NAIC code.  Recent users of Plunkett’s data include Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and McKinsey & Co.

Yearly subscriptions start at $29,500.  Frequently updated.  Available directly from Plunkett Research, or through leading alternative data marketplaces.

License, Limited Warranty

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Use Cases

use cases

Key Uses:

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Support of investment theme back-testing and forecasting
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Estimating potential growth for a sector or company for several years forward
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AI-based analysis of key industry sectors
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Benchmarking the growth history of specific companies to their overall industry
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Understanding sector-wide drivers of potential growth for individual companies and technologies
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Gaining insights into human capital utilization and productivity for specific sectors

Data Points Provided for Each U.S. Industry Sector:

  • Total Market Sizing (revenues, industry-specific) Estimates
    • Current year
    • Historical, 8 Years
    • Forecast, 7 Future Years
    • CAGR (compound annual growth rate)
  • Employee Count (industry-specific) —current, historical, and future years forecast
  • Establishments Count (industry-specific)
  • Average Revenues per Employee (industry-specific) —current, historical, and future years forecast



Plunkett Research uses a hybrid model, being both technology-driven and, more importantly, human  analysis-driven.  We continuously maintain and enhance several proprietary Plunkett industry databases and models.  Our forecasts and estimates are generated by our own analysts and algorithms.

  • For historic data, we begin with government agency sources and normalize their data, using it for historic context.
  • However, government agency resources have a built-in problem: they typically run from several months to five or six years behind in their reporting and publication process.
  • Consequently, one of our key roles at Plunkett Research is to estimate data for the most recent periods, and then forecast that data forward for future years.
  • Our Industry Analytics dataset fills a key gap in the data marketplace because we rationalize historic data, providing reasonable estimates and forecasts for both current and future years. Our solution is unique!

The Data contained in Plunkett’s products is proprietary to its owners and it is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely.  Neither Plunkett Research, Ltd. nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this Data.  Industry statistics, revenues and other details are estimates and actual results may vary from those stated here. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. In particular, the user should note that industries that are commodity-intense are difficult to forecast and may have significant changes from year-to-year or vary significantly from our estimates.


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Career Services, Penn State University

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Wendy Stotts, Manager, Carlson Companies

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Hilton Worldwide, Marketing Manager

We are especially trying to push Plunkett since all of our students have to do so much industry research and your interface is so easy to use.

Library Services, St. John’s College

We are especially trying to push Plunkett’s since all of our students have to do so much industry research and your interface is so easy to use.

Gary White, Business Materials Selector, Penn State University

Your tool is very comprehensive and immensely useful. The vertical marketing tool is very helpful, for it assists us in that venue, as well as targeting customers’ competition for new sales…The comprehensive material is absolutely fabulous. I am very impressed, I have to say!

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Michael Oppenheim, Collections & Reference Services, UCLA

Plunkett Research Online is an excellent resource…the database contains a wealth of useful data on sectors and companies, which is easy to search and well presented. Help and advice on how to conduct, export and save searches is available at all stages.

Penny Crossland, Editor, VIP Magazine
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