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Things you can do with
Plunkett Research Online

Job Seeker Resources & Tools

Plunkett Research Online provides you with a long list of tools to help you plan and execute your job search.

To begin with, please remember that there is no better source to help you with employer research (see the "7 Keys to Research" link) and with interview preparation (study our "Market Research" and "Statistics" data within the industry where you are applying). 

In addition you will find several other terrific resources, such as:

  • Our analysis of job market trends and statistics
  • Links to selected job search web sites
  • A database of the leading temporary employment agencies
  • Tips on How to Apply for a Job Online
  • And much more
Also, be sure to see the "Search for Employers" Center 
Search for Employers 

In the special Search for Employers Center at Plunkett Research Online, you can filter, view and export descriptions and executive contacts for 1,000 favorite employers. 

Next, if you want to limit your search to a specific industry, such as Health Care or Infotech, you should go directly to that Industry' Research Center, where you will be able to filter, view and export contacts and profiles of industry-leading employers. 

If you want to filter all of the employers in our entire database of companies, you can go to the Search All Center, where you will be able to set criteria for your search across all industries at once, and then view employer profiles or export executive contacts. 

Don't forget: Our special export tools enable you to export executive names with titles, company addresses, phone numbers and more, for use in mail merge, spread sheets and contact management. 

Last, but not least, use our search tools to filter through hundreds of thousands of jobs in the Indeed.com database, based on key words such as job title or company name, or based on geographic location.